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10 Gift Ideas for Health Enthusiasts and Beginners

The New Year, New Me season is in full swing,  help your loved ones and friends with a perfect gift.


We’ve got you!


Here are 10 gift ideas for health, gym enthusiasts and beginners.


#1 Blender


There are a lot of “uni-taskers” in the kitchen (as well as the gym). While some are pretty important (e.g. can opener, pizza cutter, etc.), having versatile pieces of equipment can save time, space, and money!


The blender is one appliance that is a great gift idea for health enthusiasts and beginners as it can be used to whip up dips, doughs, soups, smoothies, and more! A high quality blender, such as the Vitamix or Ninja Blender, help you have quick, delicious, and nutritious meals (and they also help you to sneak in more greens & reds into your diets).


#2 Slow Cooker


Slow cookers are the ultimate “set it and forget it” kitchen appliance and meal prep machine. Simply throw all the ingredients in before heading off to work, set the timer, and voila -- You have a week’s worth of healthy dinners when you get back home!


Slow cookers are relatively inexpensive and can be used to make a wide variety of soups, stews, pastas, and even breakfasts, including homemade yogurt, steel-cut oats, and healthy breakfast casseroles.


#3 Mason Jars


Mason jars are glass jars traditionally used for canning and preserving foods, including jams, jellies, fruit preserves, and homemade pickles. Over the past few years, though, mason jars have exploded in popularity as an option for BPA-free meal prep containers. They also have the benefit of helping you to keep portion sizes in check.


Ideal meal options for mason jars are overnight oats, salad, fruit and yogurt parfaits (this is a great opportunity to amp up the protein of your mason jar meal by mixing in a scoop of whey protein).


#4 Meal Prep Containers


Meal prep is a key factor for health enthusiasts as well as those embarking on a transformation challenge. Meal prep containers help manage portions so that you can stay on track with your calorie needs while fulfilling your nutrition requirements (adequate protein, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, etc.).


Meal prep containers come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some even have individual compartments so you can keep ingredients separate.


A top choice for the best meal prep containers are BPA-free glass, which can handle anything, from the microwave to the freezer. They also won’t hold onto smells and aromas or get stains like plastic meal prep containers can!


#5 Digital Food Scale


Digital food scales are a must-have for someone serious about their health and fitness goals. It helps you to accurately measure ingredients for recipes, meal portions, and even supplement servings, which helps you to save calories and money!


There are a TON of digital food scales for purchase. Most are inexpensive and can be purchased for under $30.


#6 Air Fryer


Air fryers exploded onto the market just a few years ago, promoted as a way to enjoy typical high-calorie fare (“junk food” like fries, wings, and chips) without the unwanted fat and calorie counts of their traditionally prepared counterparts.


Air fryers are essentially countertop convection ovens that help to cook and crisp up food by circulating hot air. This promotes more even cooking compared to other cooking methods and delivers the crunch you crave without the bloated calorie contents!


These healthy cooking machines aren’t just for fries and wings -- they’re also a great way to prepare vegetables. A few of our favorites are “buffalo cauliflower bites”, healthy jalapeno poppers, and bacon-wrapped avocado wedges.


#7 Spice & Herb Kits


Spices amp up the flavor of meals without adding calories. Plus, many spices, such as turmeric, black pepper and rosemary, have additional benefits, including anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and detoxification.


Spice and herb kits also help to keep things “fresh” with meal prep. Even those of us that enjoy eating the same meals day in and day out crave something different from time to time. Herbs and spices allow you to keep the same “base” foods (for example, chicken, rice, and veggies) but change the flavor profile depending on which combination of herbs you use.


#8 Quality Coffee Grinder


Coffee isn’t just for shaking off the cobwebs in the morning after a long night. An increasing body of scientific research notes some pretty awesome benefits associated with regular coffee consumption, including better performance (both mentally and physically), increased longevity, and cardiometabolic health.


You see, coffee doesn’t just contain caffeine (though we do love that particular component). It also contains a host of powerful polyphenols and antioxidants, including chlorogenic acid, which has anti-obesity and anti-inflammatory actions.[1]


To maximize the benefits and tasting experience of your coffee, skip the cheap, bargain bin coffees and purchase some quality beans from a small batch roaster. This helps to ensure fresher beans which improves taste and micronutrient content.


#9 At-Home Workout Equipment


Whether you love training at the gym or in the comforts of your living room, we will all be faced with having to train at home at some point or another. While you can get in a great bodyweight workout with zero equipment.


Having a few choice (and relatively inexpensive) pieces can really increase the variety and effectiveness of your at-home workouts. A few of our favorites are:


  • Resistance bands
  • Suspension trainer
  • Rings
  • Push up stands
  • Doorway pull up bar
  • Dip bars
  • Adjustable dumbbells/kettlebells


#10 Supplements


Supplements are a great compliment to nutrition and exercise. They can accelerate recovery, support weight loss, and improve performance. Health enthusiasts likely have some favorite supplements already, so if you’re planning to buy a loved one supplements this holiday season, make sure it’s from a brand they trust.


Beginners may not be as experienced with dietary supplements outside of a daily multivitamin, but they can help to provide motivation, encouragement and support as they get going on their fitness journey.


Some great options for beginners include vegan greens & reds superfoodsprotein powder, pre workout, and post workout recovery supplements as these can help to support workout performance, muscle recovery, and calorie burning -- all key contributors to body recomposition.



  1. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28391515/

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